Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yayayay!! :D :D

LOOK! They posted the whole Tangled short film on Youtube, finally! I'd seen it before, but it was all choppy because someone filmed it in a theater with their phone or something.
This is so awesome! (Yeah...I'm an 18 year old in love with an animated movie. (Guess that's the Child coming out in me or something...aren't you scared?) And y'know...I so see me being like Pascal and Max in this vid. :P
Anyhoo...for anyone who likes Tangled. (And that would be anyone who follows my blog...riiiight? *glares* )



  1. ...yes. That...that was...

    Me? I'd have blamed it on the frog and gone with that. *sighs* Disney these days...CHILDREN these days...out of control.

    1. That was...???? would have. Very wise. And I know...everything is out of control. Some things more than others though... (of course we won't say /which/ things.)

  2. Yes. I thought so.

    Yeah, well, you know how it is. Stinkerisms in society keep the politicians, law enforcers and priests in good business, so it's not all bad, I guess.

    And now I appear to be getting very random, so I'm going to bed, I am.

    1. Me too.

      Wow...that's a mouth full. I'll have to ponder that for a while.

      Random (in its proper definition) is the word...that's for sure. Very wise idea. *nods*

  3. /Ponder/ according to the Trev Chepelski dictionary of strange but epic American terms: a quiet, private activity Americans engage in for extended periods of time, often involving the consumption of cookies and lemonade for the purpose of aiding in the processing of difficult mental thought. Spacing out, becoming deaf to events and people around them, and consuming large quantities of above listed refreshments often occur. Activity outlawed in the Soviet Union in 1952 in an attempt to prevent the spread of dangerous ideals and virtues such as hope, freedom, beauty in life and independence of thought. (Side note: cookies still available in Russia).

    1. Just...just...ummm...give me a few minutes...hours...days...weeks...years...a while to think on that, would you?
      That's so much you actually expect people to understand that? 0.0

  4. That was super hilarious! I love Pascal. :D Lol. And Flynn! ;) ;) only animated movie that I like. Lol!
